Trixster - The Forgotten Logos

As I reflected on my year of work, I couldn't help but take a closer look at the art I had produced and examine how much I had grown as an artist. During this introspection, I stumbled upon some logos I had designed in 2014. These logos were created for a shop near East London Brick Lane that specialised in selling skateboards, bicycles, and scooters.

The shop's name was “Trixstar”, and the clients had requested a design that not only incorporated the name of the shop but also played with the theme of the Trickster, which is often associated with jesters in mythology. The challenge was to create a visually appealing design that conveyed the essence of the Trickster archetype.

The original concept for the company's logo was influenced by Jan Matejko's famous painting 'Stańczyk', featuring a court jester. However, as the design process evolved, the logo became more humorous and slightly gothic. Over time, the logo transformed into a beloved mascot for the company, with clients wanting to turn it into a merchandise item rather than just a logo. The designers worked to incorporate the mascot into various products, creating a brand identity that was playful, memorable, and instantly recognisable.

It is a regretful fact that the company could not bring The Trixster to fruition, and the plans for this innovative creation were left to gather dust on the shelves.

However, it had always been on my mind to share incredible designs with the world, and after six long years, I finally decided to make it happen. With the hope that these forgotten designs can be brought to life and serve a meaningful purpose, I am excited to present them to you.

If you're curious and would like to explore the entire collection in the series, I invite you to visit my Behance account or click on one of the pictures above. Thank you for devoting your time to reading this.


The Michelle Roberts Collaboration


Blood Moon Phase July 2018