
A Journey of Self-Discovery

  • Cocoon Light and Textures

    Stage One - Cocoon

    Just like a butterfly transforms itself, we all need to take time to go within ourselves and protect ourselves from the dangers outside of our control. This allows us to reexamine our lives, heal mentally and physically, and develop a closer connection to our true selves. However, this process also comes with the risk of losing our way, damaging our relationships and sense of belonging, and fearing that we may make the wrong choices.

  • Cocoon Fear

    Stage Two - Fear

    When confronted with fear, some individuals may seek refuge in what is familiar and safe, possibly yearning for the life they once had. On the other hand, some may become immobilised by fear, never leaving their comfort zones and unable to confront new challenges or take risks.

  • Stage Three - Imaginal Cells

    Stage Three - Imaginal Cells

    As we embark on a new chapter, we must consider our past experiences. This realisation ignites a spark, propelling us towards self-discovery and personal growth. This phase of our journey is marked by numerous obstacles and challenges, forcing us to confront our true selves, unearth our hidden strengths, and push beyond our limits. We exist in a state of duality, navigating between the old and the new, yet to fully unveil their natures.

  • Stage Four - Evolution

    Stage Four - Evolution

    As we strive towards self-discovery, we must be truthful and authentic with ourselves. By accepting our true selves, we can shift our focus from our actions and behaviours to the essence of our being. This shift enables us to comprehend the true meaning of our daily routines and how they fit into the grand scheme of our lives, continually evolving into something new and magnificent.

  • Stage Five - Pulse

    Stage Five - Pulse

    The process of transformation can be both daunting and exciting. It requires us to trust in the journey, surrender to the unknown, and allow ourselves to be moulded into something new. But it is only by undergoing this process that we genuinely emerge into a new life, understand who we are, and begin freeing ourselves from the limitations that have held us back.

  • Stage Six - Creations

    As we emerge from our cocoon, we experience a profound transformation. We shed our old skin and embrace a new form that is more in tune with our inner selves. This metamorphosis allows us to develop new skills, abilities, and insights we never thought possible. Our heightened awareness of ourselves and our surroundings gives us a new perspective on life, and we begin to see the world in a new light. Each step we take on this journey of self-discovery is a unique creation of ourselves.

  • Stage Six - Rebirth

    Stage Seven - Rebirth

    As we journey through life, we gradually learn to trust that it is an ever-evolving process. This trust helps us understand ourselves better and express our true nature. By acknowledging and abandoning our old selves to the changes, we pave the way for a unique journey of self-discovery. We can be reborn as our new selves, with all the potential that entails.

  • Stage Eight - Butterfly

    Stage Eight - Butterfly

    As the caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly, it sheds its outer protective shell, letting go of everything it no longer needs. This process releases the butterfly within and emerges into a new life. Surrendering to the transformation process and trusting the person we have become is crucial to this journey. However, the butterfly's wings are still fragile and require strengthening. Once they do, the butterfly can fly and gain a broader perspective of the world around it, realising its true potential. The freedom to live our authentic lives comes from freeing ourselves from social conditioning and the expectations of others.