Who Am I?

Hello and welcome to GG Digital Creations! My name is Gavin Gallivan. Everyone has a unique story, with their perspective and views on life. It's incredible how we can share our experiences while having different paths. This realisation led me to explore art, and this website is my way of sharing my story with you.

My father's love for drawing introduced me to art at a young age. I fondly remember him creating cartoon characters on my bedroom wall and filling the floor with countless drawings. Artistic talent runs in my family, but I decided to pursue a career in IT instead of following in their footsteps. Although I used to spend many hours drawing and painting in my free time, my passion for the arts has faded over time.

After a long hiatus, I found my love for drawing once again. However, I quickly realised it wasn't as easy as "riding a bike" and felt discouraged. I decided to try digital art due to my IT background to continue expressing my passion for art. Initially, it was just for fun, but as I practised more, my interest grew. I dedicated countless hours to learning independently through watching videos and constant practice.

As I continued to grow, my desire to explore further intensified, and I yearned to capture the beauty of the world around me. Although I was not particularly fond of photography due to my camera shyness, I needed to document what I witnessed and transform it into something unique.

I began my photography journey by capturing stock photos for my artwork. As my confidence grew, I desired to explore other genres. I read books and enrolled in an online course with The Photography Institute to learn the basics of photography. During this time, I discovered my preferred genre of photography. I aim to continue developing my unique style and showcase the world through my perspective. This website is the culmination of my journey, including the successes and challenges of my art stories.

Thank you

Gavin Gallivan


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London, England