The Michelle Roberts Collaboration

Michelle Roberts Collaboration

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with Michelle Roberts, a talented entertainer, on various projects. We have shared both successful and unsuccessful ventures. I have showcased some of our collaborative work with Michelle's permission over the years.

Bright Star Entertainments

Bright Star Entertainments is the latest venture by Michelle, a highly experienced professional children's entertainer. It's the culmination of years of hard work and expertise that Michelle has gained in the industry.

The concept for this project had been brewing for a while, and while several designs and ideas were considered, one thing stood out: the smiley star. This iconic symbol became the brand's centrepiece and encapsulated the company's essence.

The final design was quickly approved, and the draft copy was implemented without further alterations. The logo's full glory can be seen on, or you can check out my Behance account for the complete collection.

Mermaid Merchelle - The Professional Mermaid

The story of Mermaid Merchelle is where it all began. I was commissioned to design a logo for the talented and professional mermaid Mermaid Merchelle. The Mermaid Merchelle logo is one of my most complex and entertaining graphic designs. It was among the first designs I crafted, and there was a lot of trial and error involved, particularly with the tail portion. I experimented with blending multiple colours to achieve an iridescent effect, and the main icon was uniquely designed around Mermaid Merchelle, who served as my inspiration. If you're interested in seeing the entire collection of my designs, you can check them out on my Behance account.

Silhouette - The Sensational Vocal Group

During the initial phase of a project that involved creating a logo for a musical group called Silhouette, I was tasked with developing a design that would incorporate a silhouette of the band. Unfortunately, the project did not progress beyond the first phase.

One of my ideas for the logo was to create a shadow of the group that would form the word 'silhouette'. However, I was unable to implement this concept. Another idea was to feature a silhouette of the group standing in front of a spotlight with a nostalgic 1950s vibe.

Although I had submitted a first draft of the logo, it still needs approval or further feedback for improvement. Despite this setback, I still hope that I can revisit this project in the future and bring my vision to life.

For a complete collection of my work, please visit my Behance account by clicking on the image above.

Siren Serenade - The Singing Mermaids Trio

A group of three talented singers who also happen to be professional mermaids came up with an inspiring idea to establish a new singing group called Siren Serenade. As a designer, I found this project fascinating, especially since I greatly appreciate mermaids and their sleek, curvy designs. Unlike my previous project, Mermaid Merchelle, this one was relatively straightforward, and I enjoyed its simplicity.

Initially, the plan was to feature a singing mermaid resting on top of the text, which you can find on my Behance account. However, I transformed the mermaid into an 'S' to represent the group's name, Siren Serenade. The design looks stunning and can even stand alone without any text. Unfortunately, the Siren Serenade group and the plan did not receive the green light to share with the world.

For more details, please check out my Behance account or click on the picture for the entire collection.

The Sound of Julie - Tribute to Julie Andrews


Michelle is an ardent admirer of the legendary Julie Andrews, and as a gifted vocalist herself, it was only fitting that she paid a heartfelt tribute to her idol. The task was to design something that would truly capture the essence of Julie Andrews, and after much contemplation, the perfect concept was born. Drawing inspiration from the iconic movie "The Sound of Music", Michelle replaced the word "sound" with "Julie" to create a unique and captivating design.

The entire logo was created from scratch, with no pre-existing fonts used. The most challenging part of the design process was creating the text for "Julie", as there was nothing to compare it to. However, Michelle's hard work paid off, as the final product was an impressive tribute to the legendary actress and singer.

To view the entire collection of Michelle's work, please visit her Behance account or click on the picture above.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my work, and I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Michelle Roberts for allowing me to revisit some of my past projects and share them with a broader audience. Her support and encouragement have been invaluable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to showcase my work.

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